Thursday, April 27, 2023

Post 10: Age of AI

     In class today, we watched a PBS documentary titled In the Age of A.I., in which we were walked through all the ins and outs of A.I. as it is today. 

    I was clearly unaware of many things, as all of this came as quite a shock to me, but it would appear that A.I. has yet to have all that positive of an effect on the world. Though it has helped us solve extremely complicated problems and do things as such, it has created a workless world. Everything done by humans will and can soon be done by a machine. It created a lack of economic stability, as well as is to blame for about 20-25% of job loss since 2020. 

    Another negative aspect of A.I. is the looming fact that it is, has, and always will be watching your every move and reporting it back to the government. It surveils you, businesses you use, and even goes as far as saying that "Google searches YOU". China is even implementing A.I. into the entire country, making it so that the can locate anyone anywhere at anytime using their advanced A.I. systems.

    The documentary goes on to say that the only ones benefitting from the mass automation of the world are those who are already financially prosperous. 

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Post 10: Age of AI

     In class today, we watched a PBS documentary titled In the Age of A.I. , in which we were walked through all the ins and outs of A.I. a...