Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Top 5 News Sources

     In today's day in age, it is extremely common for one to read, listen to, or view their news through use of technology. I frequently use applications and websites such as Google, Apple News, TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram to see what exactly is going on in the world. 


    Google is a search engine, and a fantastic source with an abundance of information. Almost instantly after an event is to occur, whether that may be a touchdown in an NFL game or a celebrity death, there are articles all over the platform regarding said occurrence. When main-stream news outlets such as Fox News, ABC News, CNBC, and post news to their websites, Google collects that data and compiles it into the "Google News" list. Here, you may find all of the happenings around the world from millions of sources. 


    For the people of my generation (and I'm positive many others as well), Instagram was, and still is, a revolutionary application. We can post pictures to our personal accounts, as well as like and comment on others. It allows us to socialize with our friends, family, and even celebrities online. Most of the major news outlets stated above have their own Instagram account, in which they can share news to a broader spectrum of people. 


    What started out as a fun way to communicate with your friends quickly turned into much more than so. Snapchat is a social-media app that allows you to send pictures and videos to friends, as well as share moments to your "story". Because of the reach it has across our generation, many major news outlets have began operating "business accounts", in which they allow users to subscribe to their favorite accounts. I for one know that I discover a majority of my news through my subscriptions on the app. 

Apple News

    Apple News is a website and application created by Apple. It compiles all the latest news from every source and allows you to choose what you want to see based on what you like. It eventually builds an algorithm based on what you do and don't like, and aims to supply you with a completely "personalized" news feed.  


    TikTok is a social media app that allows you to post up to 3-minute long videos. It allows people to voice their opinions (within reason), and is commonly criticized for being a Chinese-owned company accused of spying on American people. It is algorithm based, therefore it shows you videos similar to ones you "like" on the app. As many of the others above, major news platforms have their own accounts in which they distribute their content through. 

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