Thursday, April 27, 2023

Post 11: Gatekeeping and What I Learned

     This week, we were able to watch our EOTO group presentations. The one in which I found the most interesting was the theory of gatekeeping. This idea was created by a post-WWII social psychologist named Kurt Lewin. He specialized in studies on how families selected their foods post-war, and created the term based on the excuses and hiding people would do in order to keep what little food they were able to get a secret. Its true meaning is someone or something that prevents you from accessing something, such as not revealing the location of a beautiful location, not revealing where their clothing is made, or so on so forth. 

    There can also be gatekeeping in politics, such as one particular news station or newspaper choosing bias over one political party. When this occurs, they could censor or potentially not even advertise the opposing side's campaign. This is an issue because it makes for an uneven playing field between the political parties, as well as does a great job at diving our nation even further than it already is. 

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Post 10: Age of AI

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